【舌尖上的演算法】Day28 -- Sudoku - Backtracking

2020 IT邦鐵人賽

Posted by Hank Lee on Monday, October 5, 2020

4 Minutes Read

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我相信應該是很多人都有玩過這個遊戲,有一陣子每天水果日報上面都會有一到兩題數獨讓讀者玩,仿間也有很多整本數獨題目的書可以去購買,現在更方便了,無論是Apple的App Store或是Google的Google Play裡面,都有很多人寫數獨遊戲來給大家玩,那數獨這個遊戲到底怎麼玩?

數獨是一個正方形矩陣,基本上一個矩陣的大小,長寬的值會是某一個數字的二次方;另外,矩陣中每一個位置都可以填入數子,填入的數字範圍與長或寬的值相同,若現在是一個4 x 4的矩陣,則填入的數值就是1, 2, 3, 4,下圖為4x4和9x9的矩陣範例。



  1. 同一個區塊中,所填入的數字不可重複。(紅色框)
  2. 同一行中填入的數字不可重複。(綠色框)
  3. 同一列中填入的數字不可重複。(黃色框)



今天主要要講的解法是利用Backtracking的方式,Backtracking其實就是『回朔』的一個過程,用Backtracking的方式也很像是一種Brute Force,而其流程如下(用4x4的數獨為例):

  1. 先找出第一個空的欄位。
  2. 在這個欄位中填入1。
  3. 檢查上面提到的三個條件,如果三個條件都符合,則找下一個空的欄位,反覆2, 3步;但是如果有一個條件不符合,則填入下一個數字,再檢查條件是否符合。
  4. 如果全部的數字(1~4)都填入都沒有辦法符合條件,則回到『上一個』欄位,改變『上一個』欄位的值,再檢查條件有沒有符合。
  5. 反覆上述步驟直到整個數獨陣列都填入值。





 * @author Hank Lee
 * Shared in InformisTry -- https://jumperc2p.github.io/InformisTry/
public class SudokuGrid {
	public Integer size = 0;
	public Integer[] symbols = null;
	public Integer[][] grid = null;
	public Integer sqrt = 0;
	public boolean validate() {
    	for (int currentY = 0; currentY < size; currentY++) {
    		for (int currentX = 0; currentX < size; currentX++) {
    			int currentNumber = grid[currentY][currentX];
    			if (!this.basicValidate(this, currentNumber, currentX, currentY))
    				return false;
		return true;

	 * To do the basic validation of sudoku grid.
	 * In the method, it only checks basic 3 constraints, 
	 * which are box-value constraints, row-value constraints and column-value constraints
	 * @param sudokuGrid the sudoku grid
	 * @param currentNumber the current number to check
	 * @param currentX the current column of the cell
	 * @param currentY the current row of the cell
	 * @return true: valid, false: invalid
	public boolean basicValidate(SudokuGrid sudokuGrid, int currentNumber, int currentX, int currentY) {

		// compare each number in one row
		for (int x = 0; x < sudokuGrid.size; x++) {
			if (currentX != x && sudokuGrid.grid[currentY][x] != null && currentNumber == sudokuGrid.grid[currentY][x])
				return false;
		// compare each number in one column
		for (int y = 0; y < sudokuGrid.size; y++) {
			if (currentY != y && sudokuGrid.grid[y][currentX] != null && currentNumber == sudokuGrid.grid[y][currentX])
				return false;
		// compare each number in one sub-grid
		int modX = currentX / sudokuGrid.sqrt;
		int modY = currentY / sudokuGrid.sqrt;
		for (int y = (modY*sudokuGrid.sqrt); y<((modY+1)*sudokuGrid.sqrt); y++) {
			for (int x = (modX*sudokuGrid.sqrt); x<((modX+1)*sudokuGrid.sqrt); x++) {
				if (currentX != x && currentY != y && sudokuGrid.grid[y][x] != null && sudokuGrid.grid[y][x] == currentNumber)
					return false;
		return true;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * @author Hank Lee
 * Shared in InformisTry -- https://jumperc2p.github.io/InformisTry/
public class BackTrackingSolver {
	 * Find the blank cell and return with a map object
	 * @param sudokuGrid the sudoku grid
	 * @return two sets of data: 
	 * 			x : column
	 * 			y : row
	public Map<String, Integer> findBlankPosition(SudokuGrid sudokuGrid){
		Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
		for (int y = 0; y < sudokuGrid.size; y++) {
			for (int x = 0; x < sudokuGrid.size; x++) {
				if (sudokuGrid.grid[y][x] == null) {
					map.put("y", y);
					map.put("x", x);
					return map;
		return null;
	public boolean solve(SudokuGrid sudokuGrid) {
    	// find a blank cell to work on.
    	Map<String, Integer> currentPosition = this.findBlankPosition(sudokuGrid);
    	if (currentPosition == null) {
    		return true;
    	// get the current row and column values
    	int currentX = currentPosition.get("x");
    	int currentY = currentPosition.get("y");
    	// try all the symbols one by one
    	for (int currentNumber : sudokuGrid.symbols) {
    		// if the current number is valid, put it into the cell
    		if(sudokuGrid.basicValidate(sudokuGrid, currentNumber, currentX, currentY)) {
    			sudokuGrid.grid[currentY][currentX] = currentNumber;
    			// recursively to find solutions
    			if (this.solve(sudokuGrid)) {
    				return true;
    			// Once there is no symbol which is valid, recover the value of the value to null
    			sudokuGrid.grid[currentY][currentX] = null;
        return false;






  1. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 3rd Edition, by Anany Levitin
  2. Python Sudoku Solver Tutorial with Backtracking p.1